Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Tropical Storm Debby

Tropical storm Debby just made her way through Florida this weekend and pounded my neighborhood with rain and wind. I didn't watch the news so I didn't have any idea about Debby until Sunday night. Turns out that I had helped my sister move in the middle of a tropical storm. How's that for a nightmare move? :) We were fine though. It just meant lots of rain and wind. I did enjoy sleeping to the sound of the rain tapping on my roof. Plus all this rain means I don't have to water my garden!

Arnold and I
I found an old picture of my sister and I a couple of months ago and saw this old stuffed animal that I absolutely loved as a kid. It was this little stuffed monkey by Russ. My friend Tim helped me figure out what kind of stuffed animal it was and where I could buy one. I can't seem to find the exact "model" I owned but I found one on Ebay the other day that was such a deal that I just had to buy him. He's adorable! The one I owned before had a bottle in one hand but this new one has a banana. It still is a great replacement. Isn't Arnold so cute?!? (That's his name)

Today, while working, I managed to finish a Kirby keychain I was crocheting. These projects seem so easy, until you actually try to do them. Then they end up taking hours to finish. But they are worth every minute because 1st-they help me make it through the workweek, 2nd-they give me a sense of accomplishment, and 3rd-they're fun and unique.

I ended up making a jam out of the cactus pears. I just cleaned them, boiled them, blended them, strained them, and then added sugar, lemon juice, and liquid pectin and bam! I had jam. It is so delicious too. Especially on a toasted bagel with cream cheese.

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